Logo der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Max Weber Complete Edition (MWG)


Max Weber Actionbound

A digital knowledge game in German.


The Weber Actionbound was developed by the Munich Adult Education Center (Münchner Volkshochschule) in cooperation with the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in 2023. It invites you to take a virtual Weber city tour.


Actionbound QR Code

Max Weber in Munich

(Video from the BAdW press office 2020)

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Max Weber's death on June 14, 2020, the BAdW press office shot a video about Max Weber in Munich. Friedrich Wilhelm Graf provides information about Max Weber's biography and Academy membership, Gangolf Hübinger about the Edition of MWG and Edith Hanke about Weber locations in Munich.

Politics as Vocation

(Podcast of the BAdW press office 2020)

In the BAdW series "The Favorite Piece", Edith Hanke, in conversation with Isabel Leicht, presents Max Weber's keyword manuscript for the speech "Politics as Vocation", given in Munich on January 28, 1919.

Science as a Vocation

(Recording of the BAdW press office 2017)


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Munich speech "Science as a Vocation", the BAdW organized a panel discussion on November 7th, 2017 with Friedrich Wilhelm Graf, Gangolf Hübinger, Laura Münkler and Kai Papenfort.