Max Weber Complete Edition:
Writings, Speeches, Letters and Lectures
Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe (MWG)
Max Weber (1864–1920) is one of the outstanding scholars of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is considered a classic in many scientific disciplines, especially sociology. His work is still read and controversially discussed around the world today. His methodology, his conceptualizations and his universal historical comparative studies on economy, religion, rule, law and art have remained relevant despite some of the time constraints.
MWG completed with 47 volumes
The Max Weber Complete Edition (MWG) presents Max Weber's complete works in 47 volumes - carefully edited, content indexed and placed in the context of the time - in three sections: I. Writings and Speeches, II. Letters, III. Lectures and lecture notes. The volumes were published by the Tübingen scientific publisher J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) from 1984-2020.
MWG as a classic edition
In the scientific processing and presentation of Max Weber's texts and letters, the MWG has set standards for editions in the field of social and cultural sciences. It is considered one of the most important classic editions in the Federal Republic of Germany. The MWG claims to be the definitive reference edition for academic work on Max Weber. In order to give all researchers worldwide access to Max Weber's high-quality edited texts, the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities initiated a pioneering digitization project following the completion of the MWG print edition.
MWG and BAdW
The editorial board - interdisciplinary and made up of recognized academics -, the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW) and the Mohr Siebeck publishing house in Tübingen were responsible for the edition of Max Weber Complete Works (MWG.) The cooperation began in 1975 and ended with the publication of the last volume in 2020.
The BAdW's Commission for Social and Economic History guaranteed the organizational continuity of the entire project through the general editorial office and the central office. The editing work took place decentrally at universities and institutes under the direction of the respective volume editors.
Weber Collection and Weber Specialist Library
The BAdW building houses a unique collection of Max Weber's work, person and environment, as well as a research library with hand-written copies, first editions, translations and international research literature about Max Weber and his time. The collection and library were created and expanded to accompany the edition. Researchers are welcome to use the holdings after consultation.