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Max Weber Complete Edition (MWG)


100th Anniversary of Max Weber's Death

On June 14, 1920, Max Weber died in Munich in the middle of the summer semester and a new creative period. His unfinished work was published by his widow Marianne Weber. She collected his letters, scattered essays, newspaper articles and much more. In doing so, she created the basis for his afterlife. As a warning against anti-Semitism and a politically active citizen, Max Weber's powerful voice was missing in the young Weimar Republic.

Please also note the special issue on Max Weber (Akademie Aktuell 1/2014), the podcast and the video in the Media Library.

Completion of the Historical-Critical Complete Edition

The editors of MWG, the publishing House and the Bavarian Academy are pleased that the last volume of the historical-critical complete edition can be handed over to the public in the anniversary year. Volume III/2 contains Max Weber's lectures on “Practical Economics”, which he gave between 1895 and 1898/99. For Weber, economic policy was aligned with the interests of the nation state. He understood its story as a development towards freedom.

See Announcement of the Press

Ceremonial Opening of the Exhibition

The exhibition on the 100th anniversary of Max Weber's death was opened with a small ceremony in the Seidlvilla. Unfortunately there were restrictions due to the corona pandemic. Virtual participation was possible via livestream (the livestream is available on YouTube). The exhibition was open to the public from June 15th to mid-September 2020.

See Announcement of th Press


The exhibition was scientifically curated by Friedrich Wilhelm Graf und Edith Hanke

Artistic design by Katharina Kuhlmann

Virtual Tour of the Exhibition

We offer the exhibition in the Seidlvilla as a virtual tour for everyone who was unable to visit it in person.