Thinking about Max Weber anew and across boundaries

An initiative for founding an international network of young Weber scholars
Victor Strazzeri from Brazil came to the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science at the Free University of Berlin as a doctoral student. There he developed the idea for an international network of Young Weber Scholars. His address file includes well over 50 researchers from America, Asia and Europe. His particular concern was to bring doctoral students and post-docs who work on Max Weber or who follow Max Weber's approach in their studies into contact with one another. The network has now formed into a Weber Scholars Network, regardless of age and educational status. Anyone who researches Max Weber remains curious and 'young'. The online events of the last few years have also proven this.
The network wants to connect those who work with or about Max Weber and create opportunities to get in touch virtually but also in person.
Members of the initiating group:
Zur Initiativgruppe gehören: